Cusco, Perú 2020

The societies originating in the central Andes, today the territory of Peru, for more than 3000 years, developed and shared cultural elements that remain valid to this day.
In Lima, the capital of Peru, there is architectural evidence of one of the fertile cultures that populated the area. It was the Lima culture, the builder of this unusual work.
Currently we call it Huaca Pucllana, although the real name is lost in time. Huaca Pucllana was a pre-Columbian ceremonial and administrative center that developed in the lower valley of the Rímac River.
The construction of the massive pyramid with patios and access ramps was contemporary with other important cultures of the Peruvian coast such as Mochica and Nazca.

The beautiful complex was built in approximately 450 AD, its apogee is relatively short, dated to the year 600 but from the year 650 a massive abandonment process arose, probably due to the presence of the Wari Empire which was the first empire of these latitudes, that covered extensive regions and even reached the Amazon jungle. Many of these archaeologists who studied the complex determined that Pucllana had three occupations. At the beginning of the decline of the Wari, Pucllana was abandoned again and thus began a third occupation of the Ychsma, a coastal lordship that lasted until the arrival of the Incas in approximately 1470.
The seven-platform pyramid was built with millions of adobillos or adobitos made of clay mixed with stones, ground shells and water, made by hand, arranged as a bookcase and joined with clay mortar, an anti-seismic technique that allows energy to be released and makes it earthquake resistant.

The second platform is characterized by being painted yellow, in addition to the fact that more than 2,500 small holes were found on the floor. These holes were created in the process of preparing the pyramid so that the ancient Peruvians could place their offerings that consisted of pieces ceramic, metal pieces and fragments of fine textiles.
At the same time, on the fifth platform we find logs as posts of guarango and lúcumo species, that archaeologists affirm it was a roofed platform. Likewise, we found ceramic vessels that in their times contained chicha, a sacred drink made mainly from fermented corn, also Shark teeth were found on the floor, confirming that they consumed their meat at important parties.
Finally, on the second and fourth platforms, there is evidence of their second occupation, that is, when the huaca was abandoned and the Wari took possession of it, well, the Wari used Pucllana to place graves of their main lords and sacrificed children in funeral bundles, which accompany the main characters. The chosen children were newborns up to 4 years of age.
Visiting Huaca Pucllana at night can be a mystical experience thanks to its modern lighting. That is not all, you will enjoy a very good culinary immersion, thanks to the famous restaurant of the same name, with dishes based on the immense flavors of Peru being a mixed fusion of the many cultures from Europe, Africa and Asia.

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